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Programming Language Governance (1)

As software eats the world, the programming languages used to build the software themselves grow and evolve. When new programming languages start out, they are often the product of an individual or a small group of people, though there are several famous examples of top-down programming language design where the PL is designed by committee from the outset (e.g., ALGOL . However, when a PL gets to a certain level of adoption, the inventors sometimes submit the PL to one of the standardization bodies: ISO C++, ANSI C, ANSI FORTRAN, ECMA/ISO C#, and ECMA ECMAScript. Others continue to retain their independent governance bodies (e.g., Python, Java). In either case, the governing bodies specify a process for evolving PLs: Java: Java Specification Requests C++: C++ papers Python: Python Enhancement Proposals Rust: RFCs C#: Language Proposals ECMAScript: ECMAScript Proposals Each of these governance bodies is like a small government. Many have voting